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Monday, November 2, 2009

Posted by venu k
2 comments | 4:21 AM
This script not replaces cp command. This is a sample script for practice purpose.
I am going to develop more elegant script, which fulfil most of the cp command strengths.
I will post complete version of the script as soon as possible,
I shall really appreciate all comments and suggestions to improve this script.

# SCRIPT: ddcopy_progress.sh
# PURPOSE: This script is used to watch progress of copying.
# Note: I am using destination file as $$.temp .This is because,
# after testing you can easily delete temp files using
# rm -f *.temp

# Arguments Checking #

if [ $# -ne 1 ] # Look for exactly one parameter
echo "..............Usage Error........."
echo "Usage: $0 Sourcefil"
exit 1

if [ ! -e $1 ] # Check source file exist or not
echo "File $1 not exist"
exit 1


Seek=0 # Skip BLOCKS bs-sized blocks at start of output
Skip=0 # Skip BLOCKS bs-sized blocks at start of input
Bsize=128000 # Block size
size=`stat -c %s $1`
blocks=$((size/Bsize)) # Total blocks of input file

lastblock=$((size%Bsize)) # Last block, which size < $Bsize

# If last block size is > 0 then add 1 block to existing blocks.

if [ $lastblock -gt 0 ]
let blocks++

# I am dividing screen width 60 as 20 parts.Each part is filled with color
# after each iteration.

# Make blocks count dividable by 20.

if [ $addblocks -gt 0 ]


# Count variable contain number of blocks to be copied for each iteration


printf "\e[40m\e[43m%60s\n\e[A" " "

for ((i=1;i<=20;i++))

dd if=$1 of=$$.temp bs=128kB seek=$Seek skip=$Skip count=$Count 2>/dev/null
j=$((j+3)) # 60/20 each part is 3 chars length
printf "\e[40m\e[7m%${j}s\n\e[A" " "
# echo -e "\033[7m \c"
# sleep 1 # Uncomment it for small files

printf "\e[0m\n"
#echo -e "\033[0m"

Screen Shot1:

Screen Shot2:

Screen Shot3:

Screen Shot4:

I tested above script with different block count.But I didn't get accurate result.
Some times less count script given good result, some times more block count given
good result.
I copied 1.8 GB Movie file with this script.With time command it has give bellow

real 1m12.646s
user 0m0.043s
sys 0m7.854s

From my observation this script has taken less time compared with mouse copy and
paste method. Copy and paste has taken 1m14.02s averagely.


  1. You Could even compare it with ordinary CLI commands like cp and dd without block size as well to see the difference in time.

    Also you should allow usage of a target filename to make the script really usable.. Right now just copying to a filename.temp is useless and works only as a demo of progress bar feature..

    Tuxopia | Land of Opensource

  2. Thank you Sam
    I mentioned at the beginning of the script, this is not a complete version.
    I will post it shortly. I posted this sample script because I didn't get much difference b/w increasing and decreasing blocks count. But there is a difference among block sizes. I think if anyone has any idea will suggest me.
